Staying on Course
I sit down to the computer to write, as I have done hundreds of times before. Almost instantly, resistance comes and makes demands of me that are not in my best interests. ‘What right have I to be setting the goals I set for myself?’ My posture slumps. I look away. What is this voice of shame – and why is it trying to lead me away from something that I want to do?
Resistance is that which tries to hold you back. To numb. It wants to keep you miserable and incompetent. It does not want you to change, because it does not believe that you can. Resistance is doubt and fear channelled into negative patterns of behavior. But it can also be the greatest gift, for resistance is something one must transcend to blossom.
Tune into what the resistance is telling you about yourself, particularly if it feels discouraging. They say that discipline equals freedom. Know that when you prove the resistance wrong by breathing and staying on course, that you’re liberating yourself from self imposed limitations. Say thanks but no thanks to resistance.